If you plan to show off all that pride in your graduate’s accomplishment, you’ll want a graduation yard sign that draws attention.
The season of graduation is finally upon us! The road has been incredibly long and challenging for the kids graduating this year, and we couldn’t be more proud of them. If you plan to show off all that pride in your graduate’s accomplishment, you’ll want a graduation yard sign that draws attention. You’re yelling your excitement from the rooftops – only in sign form. Continue reading to identify four great design tips for making attention-grabbing graduation yard signs.
Personalize It
Personalizing the graduation yard sign is a way to make it stand out. There are many ways to personalize, including using special pictures of the grad or including their favorite phrase. Think about what makes your grad special, and add that to the sign in honor of them.
Bigger Is Bolder
Changing the size of your planned sign is a way to make it more eye-catching. Most graduation yard signs come in pre-determined sizes, but some printers can make them larger. The bigger the sign, the bigger the impression. Keep it within reason, though – you don’t want to block the view of your whole house, but if the sign is too small, no one will be able to read it. It would also be helpful to make sure that any photos you use are high enough resolution to be printed on the sign size you choose.
Digital Options
For once, the question of digital, in this case, is not about the printing process. Everyone knows that an actual digital sign is more eye-catching than a printed one. Getting an actual digital sign isn’t an option for most of us. Printed signs are much more cost-effective, even if they are less jazzy. We know you’re proud enough of your grad to put their name in lights, though you can! Jazz up your sign with some Christmas lights! They are sure to be eye-catching. (And if you’re still wondering about the printing process, digital printing gives you the most flexibility.)
Accessorize It
Consider accessories if you’ve already got the sign but are looking for things to add to it to make it more noticeable. Anything that your grad is into could become an accessory for the sign. Consider balloons like their video game controller or an oversized helmet for their favorite sport. Many party stores will sell things that you can use to accessorize the sign, making it more eye-catching and unique.
Let Time Printers Assist You with Your Covid-Safe Printing Needs for the Rest of 2022!
Whether you already know how your latest print products should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help! We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can answer all of your burning questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and see what we have been working on and what we can do for you. We hope to hear from you soon!