A greeting card doesn’t just have to be for a holiday. It can be for any occasion, or even just to say hello.
A greeting card doesn’t just have to be for a holiday. It can be for any occasion, or even just to say hello. Your business can benefit from custom greeting cards, but you’ve got to be careful about how you approach them. Here are some tips on how to do it.
Recognize Your Audience
Recognizing your audience is immensely important. Sending out a card that offers condolences to someone in your church congregation who is grieving calls for a much different tone than congratulating someone on graduating or getting married.
Leave Enough Room for Text
Although it’s important to focus on your graphic design, be sure to leave enough room for text. Captions, notes, and headings are all important, but keep them brief. You don’t want to or need to overwhelm your audience with too much information. A handwritten note is also a personal touch that can make your greeting card more sincere.
Help Your Audience Understand
The design of your greeting card has to be intuitive. In other words, help your audience understand what they are supposed to take away. Simply put, make your subject as clear and obvious as possible. If the point of the card doesn’t immediately jump out at the reader, then it’s a sign that you should redesign the card. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter goes a long way towards accomplishing this goal.
Think About Layouts
The layout of your greeting card makes more of a difference than you might think. Vertical layouts are the more conventional type and are more space-efficient. So if that is your main concern, then it is definitely something you should consider. However, if your plan includes a direct mail marketing strategy or being handed out in person (which is far less likely given current circumstances) then a horizontal layout might make more sense. These cards are able to stand up while still emphasizing the cover and what’s on the back without giving away what information is on the inside. If you have a gathering in the near future such as a dinner or a fundraiser, there are ways to tell your audience about them while taking care to enforce social distancing measures at the same time.
Let Time Printers Help With Your Design
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.