We’ve talked before about how to design a greeting card, but the more tips you have to follow, the better the cards will be.
Greeting cards are wonderfully versatile. Creating the best cards takes a lot more time and effort than you might expect. We’ve talked before about how to design a greeting card, but the more tips you have to follow, the better the cards will be. Here now are more tips for how to design the best greeting cards for your business.
Try Creating Multiple Versions
One fantastic way to ensure you have a great-looking card is to design multiple card versions with different colors and fonts. This way, you can take care of designs for upcoming years all at once.
Be Careful About Illustrating People
Greeting cards call for a variety of illustrations and artwork. The graphic design is just as important as the text that you include on your cards. However, be careful about the way you illustrate people. Make sure any people are drawn in such a way that your intended audience can relate.
Be Careful About Gender
As with the above point, be careful not to overly gender the cards. You want them to be as gender-neutral as possible. This helps open up your market rather than making it too narrow.
Try a Template
When it comes to printing greeting cards, try using a template. Templates are especially useful when you need to create a long run or big batch of cards for all of your loyal customers. Doing this will help you determine which format or layout best suits the message you are trying to convey before the printing process really begins and you are forced to reprint in order to correct a mistake that slipped by you during the production phase, which of course you don’t want to have happened especially if you are a smaller business with more limited resources.
Be Careful About Imagery
While it’s not the time of year for the major end-of-year holidays, there are still holidays scattered throughout the year. Be careful about using religious imagery unless it is appropriate – let’s say it’s more acceptable for a church or other religious institution than it would be for a conventional business. By the same token, downplay the use of secular imagery if your greeting card belongs to a house of worship – no matter which faith it is.
Let Time Printers Help With Your Design
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.