Funny how that works, right? Here are six more reasons why traditional print methods are still important even in this day and age.
There’s no doubt that the advent of the Internet is one of the biggest moments in human history. So much about our daily lives have changed because of it. Printed information can be digitized and digital information can be printed out. Funny how that works, right? Here are six more reasons why traditional print methods are still important even in this day and age.
It’s Surprisingly Sustainable
For starters, print is surprisingly sustainable. Both the processes and necessary materials are renewable and recyclable to boot. Standards for paper production, availability of post-consumer paper, and water-based inks have all been designed and redesigned over the years, allowing you to feel proud of your commitment to sustainability.
It Helps You Stay Competitive
Also, print helps you keep up with your competitors. Maintaining an online presence is important, as is social media marketing. Even so, both should be aligned with your print marketing strategy. Synergy is good for your company as a whole. It’s cost-effective and raises awareness of both your brand and helps boost your share of the market. In other words, get a bigger piece of the pie!
Decreases Language Barriers
Another huge advantage of print advertising is that it goes a long way towards reducing language barriers and other obstacles that might hinder how you reach your target audience. Whenever you have a connection with your customers and clients, you’ll want to nurture that bond however you can. Any content you print can be rendered in multiple languages at once, unlike a digital portal that might require translation conventions.
It Has Many Dimensions
Print also features a multitude of dimensional approaches. The three typical dimensions we automatically associate with printed materials are height, width, and depth. Even so, you can go above and beyond. Experiment with shapes, colors, and images that can pop off the page and grab your readers’ attention.
It’s Easy to Measure
Yet another benefit of using print media is that it is easy to measure how well it is performing. Track the deployment of QR codes and use analytics to see how much return-on-investment (ROI) you are getting. Direct mail marketing is more helpful than you might assume.
Print Has Multidirectional Targeting
Expanding your reach is much simpler than you might think. Fortunately, print also has multidirectional targeting. What exactly does this mean? You can advertise your digital assets especially through the use of QR codes that can be scanned by smartphones. Personalized landing pages also make a huge difference. Either way, your audience can get the info from you that they are most interested in, so take advantage of that tendency!
Let Time Printers Help With Your Design
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.