Well-designed bookmarks are not in decline or going extinct any time soon.
Well-designed bookmarks are not in decline or going extinct any time soon. Just walk into your local bookstore and see how many are on the market today. Those shelves are going to be loaded, even with the massive popularity of ebooks and audiobooks. Something about tangible ink, paper, and bindings has a bit of residual magic to it. Suppose your small business needs some more attention – in that case, why not pump some of your marketing budgets into a promotional bookmark? They’ll last for a good long while, plus the beautiful elements of each bookmark will stick in the minds of your customers.
Don’t Use Flimsy Paper!
Low-quality paper stock says volumes about your business. Bookmarks can help you put your best foot forward, and tissue-grade paper is the opposite of impressive. Flyers and brochures are popular promotional items, but they feature one major downfall: the copy within them is often uninteresting. Show your audience that you understand the value of flash and pizazz. Card stock is more durable than paper, and it’s also more sophisticated. Also, consider the length of the mark – it can’t be too short or too long.
Transform Your Bookmarks into Punchy Print Ads!
Many of your humblest printed materials pull double-duty. In this case, your next bookmark design can serve more than one purpose. Make sure there’s more than meets the eye by turning your marks into powerful print ads. This aspect is where excellent graphic design quite literally comes into the picture. Logos, visual aids, and taglines make a remarkable difference. There is a certain psychological effect layered into the typography and fonts used in advertisements. Use your brain and parlay that into a clever way to hook your readers.
Target Your Intended Audience, Not the Masses!
We’ll be honest with you – from the perspective of full disclosure, this advice sounds strange. Your loyal customers will already be eager to buy everything you put out, right? Targeting your intended audience makes sense from a business standpoint. It seems to run counter to the basic principles behind mass marketing. After all, to spread the word about your brand, you need as many eyeballs as possible, yes? It all depends on the products, services, events, and institutions you’re trying to promote. Giving your bookmarks away for free means that they are incentives meant to keep customers coming back!
Let Time Printers Assist You with Your Upcoming On-Demand Printing Needs for the Rest of 2021!
Whether you already know how your latest print products should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help! We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can answer all of your burning questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and see what we have been working on and what we can do for you. We hope to hear from you soon!