Business cards are one of your best and most effective marketing tools.
When you are out of the office, either going somewhere for work or simply on your personal time, you meet many people who are all potential customers. Having a business card ready to hand out whenever and wherever the need arises is part of Business 101. They are one of your best and most effective marketing tools.
Conveys Credibility
When you tell someone that you own a business, that information may or may not stick. But when you hand them a business card, they know that you are a prepared businessperson. The business card is also a crucial part of your marketing. It is a physical representation of you and your business that people can hold in their hand and keep with them after they leave your business. Your business card should be well designed, and it should look professional because that’s what you want people to associate with you. You can also pump it up a notch with thicker paper products or raised printing to make your cards stand out from others.
Extension of Your Brand
A strong business card highlights who you are, what you do, and why you do it. The first two of these are pretty obvious: they are conveyed by your name and contact info and your business name. The third is harder to capture. Many businesses do it with a slogan or catchphrase that epitomizes the things they want people to associate with their company, such as trustworthiness or innovation. Whatever it is that you want people to connect with your company, that should be the driving idea behind your branding (or your rebranding) and the design of your business card. After all, your business card is going to carry your brand right into the palm of your prospective customer’s hand.
Personal Connection
No matter where you are if you have the opportunity to create a personal connection with a potential customer you should take it. Take the time to discuss what you can offer but to also really listen to what they need. Having a real conversation with a person gives them a feeling of connectedness with your company. Capitalize on these connections by always having business cards that they can take with them. They will remember the conversation and the connection whenever they look at the card, and it could be the difference between getting a new customer and not.
Let Time Printers Handle Your Business Cards
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.