When you run a business, you might not think about designing and printing business cards.
When you run a business, you might not think about designing and printing business cards. Even if you do, you might not issue them to all of your employees until a new client is curious about it and asks. So that means you need to pay even more attention to detail when it comes to these cards. You can make the front as eye-catching as you want, and you do need to do it, but don’t overlook the back of your business cards, either.
Keep It Simple
Even though you think that on a business card you need to go all out, that isn’t always the case. It’s much better to keep it as simple as possible. After all, you don’t want to overwhelm the eye of the reader. You could turn off potential customers and lose business if you confuse them with too much information. Less is more, so you will want to have something there, but not too much.
Using Blank Spaces
Designing better business cards also calls into question how well you can use the blank space left behind on the back side of the card. You can have a design that is specific to your company, such as a logo. You can also try using a photo or other image. When you are doing something involving the creative arts, you can use this as another opportunity to impress clients. Just make sure that the pictures are clear and high quality and don’t look pixelated or blurry.
Provide Tips
Even with all of this information, you shouldn’t shy away from putting some text on the back of your business cards. Include some tips on the back of your business card. You can also include fun facts, trivia, or hints as part of a contest that you are running to help promote your products and services.
Give a Coupon
Another way to give your business cards a boost is to have them double as coupons. Consider this if you run a coffee shop: for every nine drinks bought, you could offer the tenth one as a free item. You can also link the coupons to the membership cards or loyalty programs you provide by giving additional discounts if the customer joins your program.
Link to Social Profiles
In marketing, synergy is often used as industry jargon for how different elements of your business model come together. Use the reverse side of your business cards to promote your existing social media channels and provide customers with the links or account names for those profiles so they can look them up and become more engaged with you. Also, linking to your website isn’t a bad idea, either!
Let Time Printers Help You Design Your Business Cards
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.