When you are designing your next batch of printed marketing materials, you may have an unexpected question. That question has to the do with the raised printing technique – how is it any different from embossed printing?
When you are designing your next batch of printed marketing materials, you may have an unexpected question. That question has to the do with the raised printing technique – how is it any different from embossed printing? Let’s investigate and find out together.
What Are They?
Both of these techniques are used to make text and images stand out, either on stationery or business cards. Your business will probably make use of both of these techniques. However, the main difference is the effect they have and how eye-catching they are.
Embossed Printing
Anything embossed will be raised from the paper or cardstock. It is raised towards the viewer, so in theory, you could emboss the logo of your company while leaving the name of the company debossed. That way, you can choose the emphasize an interesting symbol and draw the eye to what your business is called.
Raised Printing
Raised printing, or raised letter printing, is also known as thermographic printing. To prepare this type of printed materials, you will need some special ingredients.
The first ingredient is a powder that is mixed with the ink of the text you want to focus on. Then the piece of paper is put into a radiant oven. Essentially, your product is being baked, but instead of turning out a loaf of bread or a pizza, it’s an essential piece of marketing material you can use to entice new customers to visit you. The oven is incredibly hot, as the process requires high temperatures to work properly. The oven can be set to 1652 degrees Fahrenheit (900 degrees Celsius) or up to 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius).
The mixture of the ink and powder heats up, and an almost magical transformation happens. Anything that you coated with powder will melt and then start to look shiny and bubbly. From a certain angle, the results will look almost as though they are 3D.
Let the Professionals at Time Printers Help You!
Time Printers is here to offer your business affordable print marketing tools that will set you apart from the crowd. Time Printers is a full-service printing products and services business located in Baltimore, Maryland. Our graphics team of experienced professionals can help you bring your vision to life in a timely and affordable manner. Our diverse portfolio speaks for us and our quality services. To learn more about our high-quality design services, give us a call today at 410-566-3005. At Time Printers, we believe that it is our job to make you look good! Quality products can help your business make a lasting impression on your customers and clients. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for more printing and marketing tips.